
No Open Positions

We are currently not actively searching for additional group members. But, if you think you are a good fit, please get in touch anyway. If there is promise of having fun conducting exciting work together, we will find ways to make that happen.

Application Process

Applications for PostDoc will be reviewed on a rolling basis until a suitable candidate is found. Feel free to send a quick informal e-mail as early as possible, so we know who is interested. We would then let you know if we think you’d generally be a good fit and whether we are still searching, before you put the work in to put together a full application.

For all applications, please include what you believe is most relevant for us to make an informed decision. PhD applications must include a transcript of their Msc Diploma and Grades. PostDoc applications must include a list of publications or link to google scholar. A research statement and a description of supervision experiences are encouraged. Letters of recommendation or endorsement from researchers we personally know or with good scientific standing are valuable. PhD Students and PostDocs will be hired according to the German state employees salary scheme TV-L E 13 or E 14, and include health insurance and social insurance.

Please send your applications to paul[dot]strohmeier[at]mpi-inf[dot]mpg[dot]de

Research Context

The Sensorimotor Interaction group is led by Paul Strohmeier. The group is co-located with Saarland University’s HCI Lab, run by Jürgen Steimle. Both groups collaborate tightly and share lab-spaces. The group is also part of the Computer Graphics department of the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, led by Hans-Peter Seidel. Within the Max Planck Institute, the group also collaborates with Vahid Babei’s AIDAM group and the Sampling and Rendering group lead by Gurprit Sing.


Saarbruecken is one of the leading locations for computer science research in Europe. Five co-located CS research institutes with a global reputation form Saarland Informatics Campus (SIC): Saarland University with three associated departments, the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), the Center for Bioinformatics and the Cluster of Excellence on Multimodal Computing and Interaction, overall with around 800 researchers in Computer Science.

Saarbrücken itself is a mid-sized thriving student city in the Saarland Region of Germany. It is home to a charming 18th century downtown area, with a plethora of outdoor places for having a drink and enjoying both traditional Saarlandian cuisine, and food from all over the world. Its location right at the border to France and close to Luxembourg guarantees a vibrant, interesting mix of cultures. The campus is located within woodland parks and can be easily reached by bicycle from all residential areas (in fact, all commutes in the city can be done by bicycle). It is well connected to both Paris and Frankfurt via high-speed trains. Feel free to get in touch regarding questions about life in Saarbrücken.