Other open Positions at Saarland U and Max Planck Institute

Nex to the open PhD and PostDoc positions, there are also several other ways of being involved with the sensorimotor interaction lab. While we are currently prioritizing the other calls, below are some opportunities which will soon become available. If any of these seem to fit you, please reach out to Paul Strohmeier let us know you are interested.

Research Guests

We intend to create an open environment facillitating exchange within and beyond academia. If you are working on a project related to our research interests and wish to spend time in Saarbruecken to focus in this project, we will facilitate this by organizing space and sharing our expertize and ressources. Likewise, if you wish to contribute to existing projects we would be happy to host you and benefit from your expertise. People who have stayed with us as Research Guests in the past include Cedric Honnet, Rachel Freire, and Hannah Perner Wilson.

Thesis Students

Twice a year we offer a limited number of students the opportunity to write their thesis with us. The next cohort will start this September. We are still finalizing details, but will be open to applicants who come to us with a project, but will also announce topics here at a later time.

Lab Manager / Lab Technician

We are searching for a lab manager who will support us in day to day operations. As lab manager you will be in charge of cutting edge rapid prototyping equipment, including industrial CNC machines and the newest generation of inkjet 3D printers. Your job will be to become an expert in using these devices, so as to support other researchers in their work. You will also be in charge of maintaining the space and making sure materials are available to guarantee ideal working conditions. In this position you will likely also collaborate with other research groups at MPI and UdS. Contract type and employment typ will be determined on your background.